CBD, or cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid found in hemp and cannabis plants. It’s believed to have numerous medical benefits, though those are still being studied. The main benefit of CBD oil, however, is its non-psychoactive property. That is, it won’t get you high. However, CBD has been shown to help treat pain, anxiety, inflammation, acne, nausea, epilepsy, inflammation, and even among senior citizens, it helps with symptoms of arthritis. But CBD also offers a lot of potential benefits beyond those—and though there haven’t been enough studies done to prove them fully, there have been enough studies on CBD to lead to a lot of confidenceRead More →

Have you ever experienced a moment when reality seems to slip away from your grasp? A time where what you see, hear, or feel doesn’t quite match up with the world around you? If so, then chances are, you’ve had a hallucination. But before you start freaking out and calling the nearest exorcist, rest assured that hallucinations aren’t always indicative of mental illness or demonic possession. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of hallucinations and discuss how they arise in our brains. Types of Hallucinations A hallucination is a perceptual experience that occurs without an external stimulus. Hallucinations can occur in anyRead More →

Addiction is a silent killer that can destroy lives and families. It is a complex disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, yet it remains one of the least understood and most stigmatized health issues. Substance abuse disorder not only affects individuals but also their loved ones who suffer from its devastating consequences. In this blog post, we will explore what substance abuse disorder is, how it manifests, and ways to better understand addiction to help those affected by it find the help they need to reclaim their lives. What is Substance Abuse Disorder? According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, substance abuse disorderRead More →

Depression is a silent battle that millions of people face every day. This is a mental health condition which can impact the emotions, behaviors as well as the physical well-being of a person. Despite its prevalence in society, there still exists a lot of misunderstanding about depression. Let’s look at the basics and symptoms of depression so you will understand what this condition really is and how to identify it in yourself or others around you. So read on as we unravel the truth behind depression! What is Depression? There are several factors that cause depression. It can be due to genetic predisposition, brain chemistry,Read More →

Cannabinoids like CBD, THC, and CBN are naturally occurring chemical compounds in cannabis plants. These compounds interact with receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates countless physiological functions, such as metabolism, mood, appetite, immunity and pain. Research suggests that CBD plays a big role in easing symptoms of various mental health and neurological disorders such as anxiety and chronic pain, by interacting with the ECS. The benefits of CBD are incredibly diverse. CBD is a non-psychoactive ingredient found in cannabis and hemp plants. While the scientific community is just beginning to understand the potential benefits of CBD oil for mental health, many peopleRead More →

Mental health is a very delicate topic to talk about, and one that can be difficult for people to understand. In this blog post, we will be discussing mental health assessment and diagnosis, as well as how these processes work. We hope that this information will help you better understand mental health and the challenges that people face when dealing with it. What is Mental Health? Mental health is a term used to describe the state of mind or emotional well-being of an individual. People with mental health conditions may experience different levels of severity and might have different needs for treatment. Some people withRead More →

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects about 1% of the population. With schizophrenia, people experience problems with thinking, feeling, and behaving. These problems can be very serious, and often require treatment.  In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the key facts about schizophrenia. 1. Schizophrenia can be Treated Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behavior. It can be a very serious condition that causes problems with daily life activities. There is no one “typical” schizophrenia experience, and people with the disease may experience different symptoms at different times. There is currently no cure for schizophrenia, but treatment optionsRead More →

Even the best relationships can sometimes get derailed. If you are struggling to keep things going in a friendship, pick up the phone and give your friend a call. Do not try to keep it bottled up inside. Do not suffer in silence. If you reach out to someone, you give them the opportunity to lean on you, too. If you need a friend to talk to, reach out. Why It is Important to Reach Out, Even When You are Scared There are times in life when we feel fear. It is normal to feel fear and to be afraid, but it is how weRead More →

Often times we find ourselves in a spot where we feel either lost or stuck. It could be that we are unsure of where we want to head in the future, or it could be we feel stuck and unsure as to why that is. Sometimes, we receive messages that we are not listening to, or we are used to a certain way of living, and the message or idea contradicts our life as it currently is. Finding yourself and realizing where you are or where your life is headed is not always easy, but it can be done. Knowing yourself, realizing what you need,Read More →

In recent years the attitude toward mental health has grown positively and is now seen as just as important as physical health. When we prioritize mental health we are doing ourselves a serious benefit by keeping our emotional health at a good level so that life doesn’t get on top of us and cause more issues. Whilst the stigma of mental health has mostly been pushed aside for people to feel freer in their expression of how they feel, there are still problems when it comes to taking a mental health day at times when they are needed. Today, we will discuss why mental healthRead More →