How Can I Get Rid of Cold Sores Quickly?

Cold sores are an infection that affects the mouth and lips. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus. They appear as a cluster of blisters, usually red, and may have some scabbing around the edges.

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, and most treatments focus on preventing outbreaks from happening.


What Causes Cold Sores?

Cold sores occur when the human body is exposed to a virus closely related to Herpes Simplex Virus. The virus usually arrives in contact with an open sore or through saliva and can reside on the lips for several hours or days before it is transmitted to another person.


Quick Tips for Getting Rid of Cold Sores

1. Avoid touching the cold sore as much as possible

Cold sores are caused by a virus that spreads through saliva. It is possible to get cold sores from kissing someone who has a cold sore. Even if it doesn’t spread, the virus is still present in the saliva and can cause an infection in the mouth if it comes into contact with anyone else’s mouth.

It is important to avoid touching your cold sore as much as possible so that you don’t spread the infection around to someone else. This can be difficult because cold sores are contagious, and they itch terribly.

Ideally, one should avoid touching any areas of their body that have a bump or are swollen, red, or painful while dealing with a cold sore.

2. Apply petroleum jelly or a product like Listerine or Zovirax (or other option) to the cold sore

In order to remove these blisters, you can apply petroleum jelly or a product like Listerine or to your lips before going to bed. You should also avoid touching them with your fingers and eating anything that is highly acidic, like citrus fruits, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit, and pineapple.

Cold sores can also be eliminated with over-the-counter medication such as Zovirax or Valtrex. If these methods do not work, one should talk to their doctor about different medications that may help eliminate cold sores quicker.

3. Applying a mixture of vitamin C, tea tree oil, or lavender oil

To help speed up the healing process, cold sores can be eliminated by applying a mixture of vitamin C, tea tree oil, or lavender oil to the spot. The mixture should be applied three times a day for at least two weeks before it is possible to stop applying it. These ingredients help with getting rid of the virus that causes cold sores and stops it from spreading so you can avoid getting infected again in the future.

4. Take an over-the-counter medication if you want to speed up healing time

We all know that cold sores are painful and annoying. And the fact is that many people suffer from them. But there is a way to get rid of them without using any expensive treatments or prescription drugs. They recommend taking an over-the-counter medication called lysine to get rid of cold sores faster than anything else.

If you have a cold sore, try taking 500 mg of lysine as soon as possible after noticing it in order to kill the virus. Check a uk pharmacy online (or where you live) to see if this medication is available, if not, speak to your local pharmacist for assistance. Make sure you do not take more than 1000 mg within 24 hours and wait until the sore has healed before you retake it, without any other medications or supplements that contain vitamin K.

5. Take Acetaminophen

The cold sore is a viral infection of the skin that causes it to form blisters and become painful. The cold sore can be caused by the herpes simplex virus transmitted through contact with infected skin.

The most effective way of getting rid of cold sores is by taking acetaminophen. Acetaminophen can be bought over the counter and taken in order to help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with a cold sore.



Cold sores are painful, itchy, fluid-filled blisters on the top or inside your mouth. They are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1. There is no cure for the virus, but treatment can reduce symptoms and shorten outbreaks.

Cold sores will never go away completely because it is caused by a virus. However, there have been some treatments to help alleviate pain and speed up healing time.

If you have chronic cold sores or outbreaks that are not responding to treatment, talk to your doctor about possible medication options, which may include antivirals or steroids.