8 Facts to Know About Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects about 1% of the population. With schizophrenia, people experience problems with thinking, feeling, and behaving. These problems can be very serious, and often require treatment. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the key facts about schizophrenia.

1. Schizophrenia can be Treated

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behavior. It can be a very serious condition that causes problems with daily life activities. There is no one “typical” schizophrenia experience, and people with the disease may experience different symptoms at different times.

There is currently no cure for schizophrenia, but treatment options exist that can improve patients’ lives significantly. Treatment options typically include medication and therapy. Medications may help to control the symptoms of the disease, while therapy can help patients learn how to manage their symptoms and live more effectively in society.

Because schizophrenia is a complex disorder, it requires close collaboration between patients and their healthcare providers to ensure optimal treatment outcomes. If you or someone you know is struggling with schizophrenia, please seek help from a qualified professional.

2. Schizophrenics May Not be Violent

Schizophrenics may not be violent, but they are often unable to control their emotions or behavior. In actuality, those with schizophrenia do not typically conduct violent crimes. Abuse of drugs or alcohol may make someone more likely to act violently. When a person with schizophrenia acts violently, it generally happens at home and is usually directed at family members.

3. There is a High Risk of Suicide

Schizophrenia is characterized by disorganized thinking, hallucinations, and delusions. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among people with schizophrenia. Ten percent of people-especially young adult males-die by suicide.

4. There are Positive and Negative Symptoms

It was Paul Eugen Bleuler who coined the term schizophrenia and along with it, he developed a list of the condition’s behavioral, emotional, and cognitive symptoms. 

Positive and negative here do not refer to good and bad. Positive is used to characterize aspects of schizophrenia such as paranoid thoughts and hallucinations that shouldn’t exist in a healthy individual. 

On the other hand, healthy characteristics that patients lack, such as motivation, enthusiasm in life, and coherent speaking, are classified as negative symptoms. The final group of symptoms, known as cognitive symptoms, includes various indications of mental illness, such as disordered thinking and memory lapses. Today, doctors still treat patients using Bleuler’s technique.

5. Schizophrenia can be Genetic

Research on the causes of schizophrenia is ongoing and multifaceted, although evidence from earlier studies suggests that there are hereditary risk factors for schizophrenia.

A relative having schizophrenia does not always guarantee you will also have it; the heritability of schizophrenia has been determined to be between 60% and 80%.

6. Schizophrenia is a Rare Mental Disorder

Schizophrenia is not a particularly common disorder, despite the fact that many people have heard of it. It affects 21 million individuals globally, or less than 1% of the world’s population, according to the World Health Organization.

7. Other Mental Disorders are Related to Schizophrenia

There are a variety of mental disorders that are related to schizophrenia. Some of the more common ones include: major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. These disorders often occur together with schizophrenia, and can make symptoms of schizophrenia worse. It is important to get help for all of these conditions if they are affecting your life.

8. Schizophrenia Means Split Mind

Schizo (split) and phrene (which means mind) are two Greek words that combine to form the name schizophrenia. Mental disorientation and disorganized thinking are symptoms of the condition. This phrase was presumably intended to refer to “the split in the patient’s view of reality,” when it was first used by the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler.

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that affects millions of people around the world. If you’re concerned about someone you know and think they may have schizophrenia, there are some facts to keep in mind. 

First and foremost, schizophrenia is a lifelong condition, which means it will always be with you. Second, schizophrenia can affect anyone at any age. It doesn’t discriminate between socioeconomic backgrounds or races; everyone who suffers from this disorder has experienced some form of discrimination at one point or another. Finally, while many people do recover from schizophrenia, it is a chronic disease that never goes away completely.